GV-SNVR1612 為H.265/H.264 Linux-embedded 單機型網路儲存設備,支援最多16支攝影機,GV-SNVR1612內建最高16路PoE (IEEE 802.3af,PoE 供電上限120W),同時提供電力及網路通訊給IP攝影機,支援HDMI輸出最高可連結4K解析度螢幕,無需透過電腦僅需透過GV-SNVR1612 即可以同時提供即時監看及回放錄影資料的需求,USB連接埠允許您連結儲存設備以匯入或匯出系統設定,更新韌體,儲存照片及備份錄影檔案。
- 最高16路影像錄存
- 每路最高支援 3840 x 2160 解析度
- 支援雙串流
- 最高16路PoE (IEEE 802.3af)連線IP攝影機 (PoE總供電上限120W)
- 支援HDMI 4K及VGA 1080P解析度螢幕輸出
- 支援2組 SATA HDD (3.5"),總容量最高達20 TB (單顆硬碟最高10TB)
- 雙向語音
- 八組感應器輸入及㇐組警報器輸出接點
- 自動搜尋及設定IP攝影機
- 透過ONVIF及RTSP協定支援第三方IP攝影機
- 支援全時錄影,位移偵測,警報及排程錄影
- 時間軸影像回放功能
- 多路影像同步回放
- 顯示硬碟狀態及系統溫度
- 支援DST (日光節約時間功能)
- 支援NTP網路時間校正
- 支援GeoVision DDNS伺服器
- 錄影異常及密碼輸入錯誤時透過電子郵件警示通知
- 備份匯出錄影檔案
- 透過網頁瀏覽器遠端即時監看
- 透過RTSP協定支援GV-Video Server
- 支援PTZ控制
- 支援智慧手機連線
- 支援14國語言
- GV-SNVR1612 only supports PoE (IEEE 802.3af). If your camera requires power supply above 10W, be sure to power your camera with the compatible PoE switch or its power adapter.
- Fisheye dewarping is currently not supported by GV-SNVR1612.
- For backup efficiency, it is recommended to use the external hard drive to back up your recordings.
- Product design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
- GV-SNVR1612 only supports PoE (IEEE 802.3af). If your camera requires power supply above 10W, be sure to power your camera with the compatible PoE switch or its power adapter.
- Fisheye dewarping is currently not supported by GV-SNVR1612.
- For backup efficiency, it is recommended to use the external hard drive to back up your recordings.
- Product design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Model No | Name | Details | |
GV-POE Switch | 提供多種不同數量的PoE供選擇 |
- GV-SNVR1612
- Power adapter
- AC power cord
- SATA cable x 2
- HDD power cable x 2
- Screw x 8 (for HDD)
- USB mouse
- Foam foot
- Download Guide
- GV-SNVR1612 only supports PoE (IEEE 802.3af). If your camera requires power supply above 10W, be sure to power your camera with the compatible PoE switch or its power adapter.
- Fisheye dewarping is currently not supported by GV-SNVR1612.
- For backup efficiency, it is recommended to use the external hard drive to back up your recordings.
- Product design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
- GV-SNVR1612 only supports PoE (IEEE 802.3af). If your camera requires power supply above 10W, be sure to power your camera with the compatible PoE switch or its power adapter.
- Fisheye dewarping is currently not supported by GV-SNVR1612.
- For backup efficiency, it is recommended to use the external hard drive to back up your recordings.
- Product design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Model No. | Ordering Part No. | Description | SKU No. |