GV-IP Decoder Box Ultra GV-IP Decoder Box Ultra GV-IP Decoder Box Ultra

GV-IP Decoder Box Ultra

GV-IP Decoder Box Ultra can decode IP streams from GeoVision and third-party IP devices. It connects cameras and a monitor for video display in single or split screen divisions. It supports RTSP or ONVIF IP cameras and can detect ONVIF IP devices on the same LAN automatically. Enjoy a cost-effective alternative to conventional DVRs and PC-based video surveillance systems. With GV-IP Decoder Box Ultra, you can monitor channels, capture snapshots of critical moments, and pause a channel when specific events occur, all through the supplied remote control. Additionally, GV-Joystick V2 can be installed to efficiently control GeoVision and third-party PTZ / Speed Dome cameras.

The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc.

  • 支援H.264 / H.265影像串流解碼 (最高30 fps)
  • 最高支援8 Mp解析度IP攝影機
  • 輪跳顯示功能支援輪跳64個IP影像來源 (每次僅能顯示單一影像來源)
  • 自動搜尋ONVIF IP裝置
  • 支援單畫面/四分割/八分割/九分割影像輪跳顯示
  • 支援搭配GV-Mobile Server顯示多分割畫面
  • 支援10/100乙太網路
  • 支援DC 12V / PoE (IEEE 802.3af) 供電
  • HDMI影像輸出端子,最高支援4K螢幕解析度
  • 支援GV-IR Remote Control (紅外線遙控器)
  • 支援透過GV-Joystick V2控制PTZ攝影機
  • 遠端更新韌體,設定IP位址或增加新IP影像來源
  • 支援透過Micro SD卡或USB硬碟儲存拍攝照片或更新韌體
  • Support for camera and layout assignment remotely from GV-VMS or GV-Control Center
  • 支援10國語言

Model No Name Details
牆面安裝套件 使用此套件將裝置安裝於牆上
GV-Joystick V2 可與GV-IP Decoder Box Ultra連接,控制PT,PTZ或Speeddome攝影機
HDMI Cable 透過HDMI線連接螢幕
長度 : 150 cm
版本 : 1.4a
GV-POE Switch 提供多種不同數量的PoE供選擇
變壓器 請向經銷商選配適合的變壓器

GV-IP Decoder Box Remote Control on GV-Control Center

GV-IP Decoder Box Remote Control on GV-VMS

GV-IP Decoder Box Remote Control on GV-ERM

Model No. Ordering Part No. Description SKU No.